Next Event:  3rd August IKC Championship Round 5

Membership & Licensing

Each driver must be a current licence holder and a financial member of a Karting Australia affiliated club. At its basic core, there are three levels of licencing:

Cadet – 6-12 years old (restrictions apply for six year olds)
Junior – 12-15 years old
Senior – 15+ years old

There is no limitation on maximum age.

Joining a Karting Australia Affiliated Club such as Ipswich Kart Club will give you access to that club’s circuit for practice, as well as allowing you to participate in any Club championship, social events, working bees and other club activities.

If you are new to Karting you must apply for a license and join a club. Joining a Club and obtaining a Licence can be done via the Karting Australia website here.

If you are new to the sport, Karting Australia offers programs such as Bring a Mate days and the SP Tools Junior Sprockets program for young karters. Once your Membership and Licence have been approved, you can start practicing!

2024 IKC Membership Pricing
Senior Full Membership $135
Junior Full Membership $125
Family Membership – 4 Members (Max Two Seniors) $250
Associate (non driving member) $60

If you have any questions regarding Ipswich Kart Club membership, please contact our Memberships and Licencing Officer.

Jody Zaal
Mobile: 0438 212 928

Keen to Learn More? Contact the team at IKC today!


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